Acrobat -- Track and Monitor How Users View Your PDF

This script is a special development. It allows you to monitor how users are viewing and using your PDF files. Whenever a file is opened, a page is viewed, or a file is closed, the script will write this data to a local or networked database. This can provide a lot of interesting information about the way your users, or clients, are viewing your PDF files.
The monitoring is done in a completely silent way, so the user is not interrupted while working.

A future version of this script will also include saving this information over the internet.

Here's an example of what the data in the DB might look like:

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Quick Links to Frequently Used Files or Operations

If there are files that you need to open frequently in Acrobat, or operations that you need to run frequently (like opening the Batch Process window, or flattening a file), I can create for you custom-made menu items or toolbar icons that will do so with a single click! It's up to you to decide which icons to use and where to place the new menu items...

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat/Reader -- Export Form Fields' Names, Properties

Direct purchase using PayPal ($20 only per license)!
If you want to keep track of the different form fields in your PDF, this is the tool for you. It will create a text report with all of the fields names, types, and other properties you might be interested in. If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly

Acrobat -- Adjust Size of Multi-line Text Fields before Printing

Acrobat form fields has an option to create a multi-line text fields, which is very handy when you need to input a lot of data, but what about when you want to print the file? This script will automatically scan a PDF file and adjust the size of the text fields so that all text entered into them is visible. It uses a special algorithm developed by me which takes into account the font size, as well as other properties.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

InDesign -- Extract Pages To New INDD Files

Direct purchase using PayPal ($40 per license)!

There isn't any built-in option in InDesign to extract one or more pages as a new InDesign (INDD) files, but using this script it's now possible!
You can select to extract each single page as a new file, or a range of pages (pages 3-5, for example), or a fixed amount of pages (1-3,4-6,7-9, etc.).

If you have any questions regarding this tool, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Custom-Made Stamps and Forms

Custom calculations, validations and formatting of all kinds for Acrobat Forms.
I will make sure your forms work exactly the way you want them to.

Custom-made stamps to be used on PDF files, including dynamic stamps with the user's name, current date, company's name and any other information you would like to add.

Contact me directly for more information.

Acrobat -- Add Navigation Buttons to your PDF

This script allows you to insert a navigation button to the pages of your PDF. When the user clicks on it they will be presented with a fully-customizable menu containing a list of links to different parts of the file, or even to web pages (like your company's website), etc.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Flatten Pages as a Toolbar Item

Flattening the pages of a PDF is very useful when you want to make sure that the data filled into a form you've created won't be changed any more. Unfortunately, it's hidden somewhere inside the menus and dialogs of Acrobat and is not very accessible. With this simple tool you will have a toolbar item that will flatten your file with a single click.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Rename Form Fields using a Text File

If you need to rename multiple form fields, this script will take a list of former and new form fields' names and use it to rename the appropriate fields.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Force PDF to open at a specific Bookmark

Direct purchase using PayPal ($40 per license)!

This script will embed a script to a PDF which will cause it to go to that bookmark when it is opened. The bookmark can be specified either by name (for example, the one called "Intro") or by its position in the bookmarks tree (for example, the one at the top of the list).

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly. For more information about this tool, you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Close/Open All Bookmarks

Direct purchase using PayPal ($30 per license)!

With this script you can collapse (close) or expand (open) all the bookmarks in your PDF with a single click...

For more information about this tool you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Split Pages in 2 Parts and Combine to a New File

Direct purchase using PayPal ($40 only)!

This script allows you to split each page of a PDF into two parts and recombine those parts into a new PDF. By default the pages are split dead in the center, but this can be customized to match your specific needs.
This script can be useful if you scanned two pages of a book or a magazine as a single page, but would like to have them as separate pages.
The split can be either vertical (like in the case above), but horizontal splits are also possible.

Here's a sample of a regular file that has been split vertically at 50%-50%:

And here's the same file split horizontally:

For more information about this tool you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Add Page Numbers to Bookmarks

Direct purchase using PayPal ($30 per license)!

Running this script will add to each bookmark the page number to which it refers.

For more information about this script, you can contact me directly.

Photoshop -- Create Copies Using Different Texts

Let's say you have a Photoshop file with a text layer in it, say a customer's name, and you want to have 100 copies of this file, each having a different customer's name, and maybe a specialized style for this customer: different font, different text color, different size...

Well, this script will allow you to do it! It takes a pre-existing image and a text file containing all the relevant data, and makes multiple copies of this image, using the given data.

The different parameters can be customized to fit your needs, as always.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Automatically Insert Links to Pages

If your document contains the text "see page 4" or "(p. 3)" and you want the reader to be able to click on this text and be linked to the referenced page, this is the script for you...
It will scan the entire document and create proper links to all page references. The format of the reference can be adjusted to your purposes.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat/Reader -- Duplicate Annotations to Multiple Pages

Direct purchase using PayPal ($40 only per license)!

Another Update: Now available, a free demo version of this script. This version will duplicate the first selected annotation to up to 3 pages.

Update: The script is now also compatible with Reader, provided the file has the right to add annotations to it, of course. This right is built-in to Reader XI, so if you're using that version you can pretty much use this script on any file (unless it's secured).

Using this script you can select one (or more) annotations of any kind (stamps, highlights, sticky notes, text boxes, sounds, icons, etc.) and create exact copies of them to one (or more) additional pages of the same PDF. When you just copy and paste an annotation in Acrobat it doesn't paste it at the same position, which can be annoying if you need to make multiple exact copies of the same comment.

Let's see how it actually looks like... Say we created this cloud comment on the first page and want to duplicate it to the rest of the first 10 pages of the document:

The annotation we want to duplicate (click to enlarge)

We select it with the mouse and then click the "Duplicate Selected Annotations" button under the Tools menu on the right:

We then enter the page range we want to duplicate the annotation to:

And the results can be seen on pages 2 and 3 here:

And finally up to page 10 here:

For more information about this tool you can contact me directly.

Photoshop -- Easy Navigation Between Photos

With this handy little script, which can be attached to a keyboard shortcut and run easily, you can navigate your folder of photos with ease. Jump from one photo to the next one, previous one, or the first or last photos in the same folder in a second. The photo you worked on is automatically saved, and the new photo opened, saving you time and allowing a more efficient editing process.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Create Hyperlinks from a CSV

NEW: Direct purchase using PayPal (via PayLoadz)!
Single file version: Buy Now
Batch version: Buy Now

Similar to my earlier Add Hyperlinks to Text script, only this one can be used with a CSV file, or just a regular text file which contains key-terms and URLs.

This script will scan the entire file for these key terms and make each of them into a link to the appropriate site.

A batch version of this script is also available for processing multiple files with a single go.

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Create Links from Partial URLs

Direct purchase using PayPal! ($40 only)

Acrobat can automatically add links to text such as or, but not to "partial" links such as ""... Well, this script can do it.
It will scan an entire document and automatically detect and create links to websites based on the underlying text.

Update: This script now includes a Batch Process (or Action) that allows you to run it on multiple files. Requires Acrobat Pro.

If you have any questions regarding this tool, contact me directly.

Illustrator -- Search and Replace Text

Direct purchase using PayPal ($50 per license)

This script introduces a basic feature that is missing from Illustrator. It allows you to search and replace text items in your current file, or in all open files.

You can use this tool for plain-text searches (replace "cat" with "dog") or even use Regular Expressions for your search (replace all instances of a four-digit number with another number).
The tool will process all the text frames in the file (or files) and will report how many changes it made when done.

For more information about this tool you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Auto Increment a Field's Value

Direct purchase using PayPal ($50 per license)!

If you want to make sure your file has a field which automatically increments its value on a certain action (for example when the field is opened), then this is the tool for you!

You can choose one of the following triggers for this action:
  • On Document Open
  • On Page Open
  • On Page Close
  • Before Printing the file
  • After Printing the file
  • After Saving the file

For more information about this script, you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Mark up entire line with text

Direct purchase using PayPal ($40 per license)!

Update: The tool can now search for any phrase, not just single words.
Also, copying the text to the highlight is now optional.

This script allows you to enter a key term, which will then be searched for in the document, and if found - the entire line will be marked up and its contents saved in the comment.
The contents can later be exported to a text, CSV, or PDF file for easy access.

This is an excellent tool for anyone who has a lot of data and is looking for a specific term (and its context) within it.

Here's an example. I searched for the term "Systems" here:

If you have any questions regarding this tool, you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Combine Files based on their Name or Content

Using a batch sequence this script can scan an entire folder (including all sub-folders) and merge the files from it based on either their name or text (or any other criterion defined by the user) into new files. At the end a detailed report will be created.

Illustrator -- Compare 2 AI Files

This script will compare two Illustrator files and will produce a detailed report of the differences between them. It can also create a visual representation of said differences by hiding all the identical parts and revealing the different ones.

Acrobat -- Add Bookmarks Names To Pages

Direct purchase using PayPal ($30 only)!

This script will add (watermark) the names of all top/lowest-level bookmarks in a PDF onto the page(s) they are pointing to.

When you run the script, you can select whether to watermark just the first page, or all subsequent pages (until the next bookmark), as well as all the other settings for the watermark text, like its exact location, color, font used, etc.

New feature: You can now select whether to use the top-level bookmarks or the lowest-level bookmarks when running the script.

A free demo version of the tool, which will only process the first bookmark in the list, and does not contain the customized options below (it will add the text as a footer to each page), can now be downloaded from here.

The script will then proceed to process the entire file with the settings you selected.

For more information about this tool you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Batch Crop Pages

For some reason, Adobe removed the Crop Pages option from the Batch Processing menu of version 9... Well, now you can have it back with this script!

Acrobat -- Highlight key terms over multiple files

This is an adaptation of my "Highlight all instances of a word" script. This version can be used with a batch process to highlight a pre-defined list of terms in multiple PDF files in one go. The script also produces a log file of all instances found, including the file name and page number.

Illustrator 10 -- Extract and Import text from mutiple files

This script is an improvement to a previous one... for the moment only for Illustrator version 10, but I'm working on one for the newer Illustrator versions as well.

This script will extract text captions from an entire folder of AI or EPS files and save them to a text or CSV file (which can then be edited in Excel or just a plain text editor). The captions can later on be imported automatically back to the same location as the original text. This is a perfect tool for various translation workflows.

Acrobat -- Auto-number bookmarks

Direct purchase using PayPal ($30 per license)!

Using this script you can auto-number the bookmarks in your PDF, based on their hierarchy.
Also includes a tool to remove these automatically added numbers.
The formatting of the numbers added can be adjusted.




For more information about this tool, you can contact me directly.

Acrobat -- Delete Comments based on their Content

Acrobat doesn't have any option for filtering comments based on their content.
This script will allow you to enter a piece of text and delete all the comments that contain this text.
It is very useful for editing purposes or DTP workflows.