Acrobat/Reader -- Print PDF With File Name

Direct purchase using PayPal ($25 only per license)!

Using this script it's possible to print out the file with the file-name embedded in the lower-left corner. One can select to embed the file-name on all the pages of the file, or just on the first page, or on the current page that you're viewing.

(click to enlarge)

Below is the Print dialog with the file-name highlighted in red:

(click to enlarge)
After printing the file (or canceling the Print dialog window), the embedded file-names are gone from the file and it is restored to its original state.

This script can be used both in Adobe Acrobat and in Adobe Reader. In Reader, in versions prior to XI, using the script requires that the file has the rights to add comments to it.

If you have any questions about this tool, contact me directly.

Site Update: New Clients Feedback Page

I've just added a new page where clients can leave general feedback about their experiences purchasing scripts from me, or about our interaction in general. It's available here.

Acrobat -- Copy Page Labels To Pages

Direct purchase using PayPal ($30 only per license)!

This script allows you to easily copy the page labels of a PDF files to the actual pages themselves and use them as a sort of footer (or header) to number the pages. This page labels (the ones that appear in the Pages panel and navigation menu) are more flexible than the built-in option to number pages, and with this script you can easily set their location on the page, as well as font type, size, color, etc.

All you have to do is create a form text field called "PageLabel" at the location you want the text to appear, and give it the appearance properties you desire, and then execute the script and select to which pages it should be applied.

For example: We have our PDF file with the page labels all set (on the left), and a field called "PageLabel" located where we want to copy them to the pages themselves. We click on the "Copy Page Labels To Pages" button under the Tools menu...
(click to enlarge)
We now select to which pages to copy the labels (all of them, in this case):

The script does its job, and then reports how many pages were edited, and offers to flatten them:

At the end of the process we see the new labels on the pages (top-left corner, where the original field was):

(click to enlarge)

If you have any questions about this tool, contact me directly.