Acrobat -- Track and Monitor How Users View Your PDF

This script is a special development. It allows you to monitor how users are viewing and using your PDF files. Whenever a file is opened, a page is viewed, or a file is closed, the script will write this data to a local or networked database. This can provide a lot of interesting information about the way your users, or clients, are viewing your PDF files.
The monitoring is done in a completely silent way, so the user is not interrupted while working.

A future version of this script will also include saving this information over the internet.

Here's an example of what the data in the DB might look like:

If you're interested in purchasing this script, contact me directly.


出國 said...
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Anonymous said...

I have a question about how this could be applied with Omniture. Is it possible to track interaction in a pdf into Omniture or a relevant Adobe product?

Anonymous said...

Do you know if a pdf has the ability to track not only open, close and page view data... but input forms data. I'm looking for a way that a interactive form pdf can be link to omniture or a relevant Adobe based tracking software

Anonymous said...

Do you know if a pdf has the ability to track not only open, close and page view data... but input forms data. I'm looking for a way that a interactive form pdf can be link to omniture or a relevant Adobe based tracking software

Gilad D. (try67) said...

I'm not familiar with Omniture, I'm afraid. Also, recent changes to the security settings of Acrobat and Reader make this script not compatible with the later versions of these applications.