Acrobat -- Apply Automatic Date Calculation

Direct purchase using PayPal ($50)!

Update: I've created a file that demonstrates how the script works. It can be downloaded from here.

One of the most common tasks when working with date fields is to automatically apply a certain data calculation to a field. For example, you want to have a field with today's date, and then one that automatically shows 4 days after from that date, or 2 weeks or a month, or something similar. This is usually quite complex and time consuming to implement, but no longer...

Using this new tool I've created you can easily select your initial field, the amount of time to add (or subtract!) from it, the target field, the date format to use, and you can even specify to the script to ignore weekends (Saturday and Sunday) or to specify a list of holidays to ignore (this can be useful when calculating working days, for example).

Here's how the tool looks like in Acrobat:

In this case, the result is that the field called "Text3" will automatically have the date of "Text2", plus 5 weeks, unless that date falls on a weekend or one of of the holidays specified in the list. In that case it will be the first following day after that.

If you have any questions regarding this tool, you can contact me directly.


SarahAF said...

Will this work in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC?

Gilad D. (try67) said...

Yes, it will.

Strauss said...

Do you have any sample forms posted somewhere so we can see it in action? Thanks!

Gilad D. (try67) said...

Not at the moment, but it's a good idea. I'll create a sample file and will post it soon.
In the meantime you can contact me privately for a demo, if you wish.

EUGENIC said...

The link is not working on my computer. can you please help me.

Gilad D. (try67) said...


What link, exactly? Please contact me via email for further help:

AJSnelly said...

Adding this as a comment in case others have the same question: you can subtract by putting a negative number in the "Add to it..." field. Works great.
Also the developer was quick to respond to my email and super nice and helpful.

Unknown said...

I'm trying to do this in Adobe DC but can't figure out where to put in the calculation script - can you assist please?

Gilad D. (try67) said...

Did you purchase the script? Contact me privately for help with it.